Optimize your health through nutrition.

The Movement Food Philosophy

We believe in fuelling your body to feel and perform your best with a food first, individualized and science-based approach. We will not be throwing the food guide at you, instead our Dietitian will work with you to come up with a plan that is sustainable, evidence based, and delicious. At The Movement, our goal is to set you up for success through education, practical solutions, and support.

Working with a dietitian isn't just about meal planning. It's also about sustainable habits and mindful eating.

Working together

Working with a dietitian doesn’t mean getting a meal plan and following the food guide. Our dietitian works with you to create your plan. This means the plan evolves as you evolve. Follow up appointments are designed to keep you on track and to reassess and adapt as you move toward your goals.

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Ditching the diet

At The Movement, we believe that a sustainable diet is the best one for you. We’ll help you develop a healthy relationship with your food and there is no ‘one size fits all diet’. Our dietitian will work with you to develop a sustainable plan that is healthy, nutritious, and has your individual goals and lifestyle in mind.

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Building your knowledge

We believe that empowering you to live a healthy lifestyle is the key to ongoing success. Therefore, our job doesn’t end when you leave our doors. We place an emphasis on educating you and helping you develop and hone new skills and nutrition knowledge that will allow you to navigate your food environment with confidence.

Request a free 15 minute phone consult with a registered dietitian at our Dundas clinic

Working With Our Dietitian



Your first contact with be a free 15 minute phone call to discuss your past nutrition and goals. This allows your dietitian to get a better understanding of your needs. The registered dietitian (RD) will provide you questionnaires and a 3 day food record to keep track of your food intake. You will bring these to your first face to face initial consult.

Initial Consult

This will be your first in person visit, and we’ll dive deeper into your goals, daily schedule, background history, and obstacles you’ve previously faced around food. We go through the questionnaires, assess your readiness, and take your anthropometric measurements (optional). The goal is to begin laying down the foundation of your plan.

Assessment #1

During our assessment, we continue to build off of what was discussed during our first meeting. We go even deeper into your food record through a food record analysis. We narrow in on more specific goals and start to make changes. The dietitian will educate you and come up with practical approaches for you to start implementing changes to your nutrition.

Follow Up

Follow ups reinforce and build from each prior meeting. Most people benefit from 3-9 follow ups depending on your short and long-term goals. During your follow ups, we monitor your progress via progress sheets and measurements, The RD will be adjusting the plan for continued success. We will also discuss obstacles and address questions. Monitoring a nutritional plan is the key to ensuring you are on the right track.

“A good diet won’t make average athletes elite, but a poor diet will make elite athletes average”

Professor Ron Maughan, Loughborough University,



What is the difference between a registered dietician and a nutritionist

The biggest difference is that “nutritionist”, “holistic nutritionist”, “registered nutritionist” are titles that are not regulated in Ontario. Meaning anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. Dietitians go through years of study and belong to regulatory board, that holds them accountable in their practice. Dietitians work in many areas of food service and counselling. How the dietitian approaches your nutritional goals will vary greatly and depend on who you end up working with. There is a misconception that dietitians only follow the food guide when working with clients. That’s not the case here at The Movement. Check out our food philosophy to get a better understanding of what we stand for. 

What is a registered dietitian?

Dietitians are regulated health professionals. This means they’ve completed an applied science degree from an accredited university, gone through a comprehensive internship program and passed a mandatory exam. Once they pass the exam they belong to a college, which keeps them accountable in their practice. Meaning that they deliver interventions that look beyond the fads. Dietitians translate nutrition science into terms that everyone can understand and come up with solutions that are evidence based. 

Are virtual assessments available for a dietician?

Yes! The Movement is able to provide the exact same services virtually. Typically, it is preferred to do initial consult and/or assessment in person. However, we can discuss these options during your free 15 minute pre-assessment to decided what style of care works for you.

What plan should I choose?

Choosing a follow up plan will likely depend on where you are in your food journey and what type of goals you are trying to achieve. The monitoring and re adjustment of a nutrition plan is key to achieving results. If you are an individual who is trying to change body composition or preparing for an athletic competition or someone that needs more accountability, we suggest choosing more follow up option as this will ensure that you are staying on track. Closer monitoring allows for greater accountability and allows the RD to re-adjust the plan sooner for continued success. On the other hand, if you feel like you just need a couple check ins and are able to follow through with change easily, 3 follow ups might be all you need. 

Should I see a dietician, is it necessary?

Here at The Movement Physio & Performance we believe in a preventative approach to health in order to continue doing what you love.  This means that everyone and anyone can benefit from seeing a dietitian. A registered dietitian can help you navigate this complicated food environment that we are in, and support you in making healthier choices for yourself and for your family. Whether you are trying to optimize performance or trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, how we fuel our bodies makes all the difference. A dietitian can help you build confidence in the nutritional decisions you make.